
Thursday, March 26, 2020

We share in their virtues by loving them

I came across the phrase "We share in their virtues by loving them" recently. It echoed with other observations, how, for example, we admire people who speak to something we aspire to, usually someone in whom we see something we lack. For example, for me, a moment of change was when I noticed that while I was inconsistent in attendance, and was frequently late, the director of the program was consistently there, and consistently loving in her approach. Rather than admonishing me for the flaws I was only too aware of, she reminded me that I was doing the best I could.

I remember day thinking, "I can actually do better." And I did. Her gentleness and consistency transfomed my life.

Others I admired at the time showed other virtues: a friend who always found measured, loving response even to real provocation; another friend who carefully cultivates her writing and has published beautiful work. 

I do not "share" in their virtues exactly by noticing them: I'm still inconsistent, unmeasured, and undisciplined especially compared to them. I do however try to emulate them as I can. It makes a difference.

Who do you admire in your life? What do they have to give you?

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