
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

He cooks them breakfast!

We were privileged this week to hear again the Emmaus narrative. And I was privileged to listen to an inspiring homily by Fr. Michael Holleran. What is usually quoted is the effect on the disciples: "Their hearts were burning inside them."

Here's what resonated for me:

How intimate and tender Jesus is with the disciples. He talks with them; he cooks them breakfast.

He cooks them breakfast! Yes, of course, he feeds his friends, literally and figuratively. I hate cooking breakfast, but Jesus cooked fish on the shore for the disciples.

This week I am meditating on the ways that Jesus feeds me. I will say grace for every large and small intimate gift, for all the ways that I feel nourished, encouraged and inspired. It's a gentle flame, but my heart is on fire.

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